Arnia Remote Hive Monitors – Installing

After you have fired up your Gateway and Monitors and made sure they are communicating with each other and with the Mother Ship as per the previous article – the very first step is to make sure you have a mobile signal at your intended apiary. If you don’t check this, your carefully assembled set-up may have to be carefully disassembled. Continue reading Arnia Remote Hive Monitors – Installing

Arnia Remote Hive Monitors – Set Up

An Arnia hive monitoring kit, even at its simplest, consists of several components. The first thing you must do, before you take it to your bees, is fire it up and make sure  all the constituent parts are working and that they are speaking to each other.

The set up isn’t difficult, the detailed instructions are clearly written in the User Manual but you wouldn’t want to do it out there in the weather with outraged bees. So here’s what you do. By the way – click any of these photos for a close up: Continue reading Arnia Remote Hive Monitors – Set Up

Bee Flowers – March

Until today – I’ve never seen a bee on a dandelion and didn’t really believe they found them interesting but here’s the evidence they do and the pollen loads are yellow. Click photo for bigger view:

Yellow Daffodil Pollen
Yellow Daffodil Pollen

Please note – the three most important plants for bees in March are Dandelion, Gorse (aka Furze) and Willow.

Click the photos below for a bigger version and note the colours of the pollen loads.

Dandelion Pollen Loads
Dandelion (Tarraxacum spp.)
Honey bee gorse pollination of Ulex europaea
Honeybee gathering pollen from the Gorse
Honey bee approaching willow catkin
Honeybee zoning in on Willow catkin

More bee flowers for March in the table below:

Flowers for Bees - March

Click here for Gorse Pollination

Click here for more about Dandelions

Click here for Mahonia

Click here for Hellebore

Click here for Bee Trees: Poplar

Click here for Bee Trees: Willow

Click here for February Bee Flowers

Click here for April Bee Flowers

Click here for May Bee Flowers

Click here for June Bee Flowers

Click here for July Bee Flowers

Click here for August Bee Flowers

Click here for September Bee Flowers

Click here for October Bee Flowers

Click here for November Bee Flowers

Copyright ©, 2016.  All Rights Reserved.

How much does it cost to start beekeeping?

This question comes up quite often on our Beekeeping Course and it’s quite difficult to answer without making a list. There is much more choice of equipment available now with bargains to be had, but even then – it’s not cheap so be warned.

However something else to throw into the equation is that if you do take up beekeeping there should eventually be a payback in terms of honey which you can then either consume yourself or you can sell it. So an interesting way to consider the cost of starting up beekeeping is in jars of honey instead of euro.

The results of this exercise for 2009 and 2016 are shown in the table below where: Continue reading How much does it cost to start beekeeping?

Remote Bee Hive Monitoring

Remote hive monitoring by Arnia is space age technology for bees – all linked up to a central hub on the mother ship over the mobile phone network.
Of course there is no substitute for visiting the bees but a system like this could be very useful not only in preparing your next visit but also monitoring the results of your efforts from a safe distance.
A road test would be handy!

Continue reading Remote Bee Hive Monitoring

Make Your Own Scale Hive

A scale hive is a great way of keeping an eye on how much nectar the bees bring in during the day, how much water is evaporated off during the night or how many bees and how much honey left with that swarm you just saw leaving!

It can be an expensive addition to the apiary hardware if you want to go electronic. However, it is quite easy to make one from wood with some cunningly placed mirrors and a bathroom scales.

Here’s how… Continue reading Make Your Own Scale Hive

Spiced Honey Liqueur

Here’s a recipe for a real winter warmer – and a great way to use up some of your enormous honey harvest!


  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 6 bruised cardamon pods
  • 5 cloves
  • 1 tsp grated nutmeg
  • 1 tsp ground black pepper
  • 1 vanilla pod
  • 1 tbsp grated orange peel
  • 0.5 tbsp grated lemon peel
  • 4 thin slices of ginger
  • 1.5lb mildly flavoured honey
  • Juice of 2 small oranges with enough water to make 1 pint
  • 1 pint Vodka


  1. Put the spices and sliced ginger with the orange juice and water into a stainless steel saucepan;
  2. Bring to the boil and simmer for 5 minutes;
  3. Add the orange and lemon peel and the honey;
  4. Bring back to the boil then take off the heat and allow to steep for 15 minutes with the lid on;
  5. Strain through muslin;
  6. Add the Vodka;
  7. Drink – rather nice hot but I think you are supposed to store it away for a bit.
  8. Cheers!
This portrait of Bacchus at the vodka was painted by Jan van Dalen in 1648

Copyright ©, 2015.  All Rights Reserved.

Information For Humans Beeing